Bank loans to the tune of Rs 550 crore over the next five years will help entrepreneurs set up around 19,000 industrial units in Rajkot, according to a survey conducted by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard). |
The new industries will provide employment to around 90,000 people and boost the economy of the region, the survey said. K K Babul, district co-ordinator, Nabard, said Rajkot has a population of 31.57 lakh and a major chunk of the workforce is employed in the service and industrial sectors. |
The rest work in the agriculture and allied sectors. The survey said 20 lakh people live in rural areas. |
Nabard said textile dying and printing industries in Jetpur require technological upgradation. Disposal of chemical wastage and effluents is an area of concern, it said. |
The industry needs money for expansion. Morbi's ceramic and sanitaryware products industry also requires technological development, it said. |
Babul said engineering industries in the city, which face high power tariff and frequent hike in raw material prices, also need low-interest funding to survive. |
Babul said industries manufacturing agriculture equipment, textile products, handicraft products, wooden furniture and plastic processing products have good growth potential. |
Vajubhai Mavani, vice president, Laghu Udyog Bharti (Gujarat), said bank loans will help around 15,000 small-scale industries come out of crisis and upgrade technology. |
Agriculture, rural industries and small-scale units are the drivers of growth in the Saurashtra region, he said. |