In a staunch reply to reports indicating that the Maharashtra government will not let Bajaj Auto shut manufacturing operations in its 45-year-old mother plant in Akurdi, Bajaj Auto Managing Director Rajiv Bajaj today said that the law cannot hold him back from closing down the plant. "Nothing can compel us by law from shutting down Akurdi as long as we are paying the wages to the workers," Rajiv said. The company is ready to pay its workers for as long as they are alive. The company has reached on an agreement to pay six day wages to workers instead of five and half as declared earlier. This matter will now be taken forward by the union (of Akurdi workers) for consideration. Replying to questions on whether the company will like to resume manufacturing if the company is offered tax incentives, Baja said, "We are not just discontented with octroi but also with sales tax, which is an equally important issue."The management has also ruled out the possibility of offering voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) to the workers. It has already paid out a sum of Rs 300 crore towards VRS in the past. Rajiv also asserted that the management has no intention of using the land for other developmental purposes. Earlier, reports suggested that owing high real estate values and close proximity to Pune city, Bajaj Auto might sell the land to real estate developers or build an IT sector themselves. Minister for Industries, Mines and Protocol Ashok Chavan had stated that the interest of the Akurdi labourers would be protected. He had also warned that the government would not allow Bajaj Auto to engage in any other developmental activity on the plant land.