Hyundai Motor India (HMIL) today downplayed apprehenions that its premium hatchback offering 'Getz' was under 'threat' following the launch of Suzuki's 'Swift' in the same segment, at a relatively cheaper price."We believe that the two cars are not in the same category. We don't see the Getz under any threat," Hyundai Motor India president B V R Subbu told reporters.HMIL, the fully-owned subsidiary of South Korean auto maker Hyundai Motor, launched the 1.3-litre getz around September last year and has managed to sell around 1,400 units of the car per month. It priced the car between Rs 4.5-4.85 lakh between different variants.On the other hand, Maruti launched the Swift - also sporting a 1.3-litre engine - late last month and went in for an aggressive pricing, with the base model coming for a very competitive Rs 3.87 lakh.Against the 12,706 units Hyundai has sold of the Getz since its launch in September last year, Maruti Udyog claims that its has made bookings for as many as 15,000 units in just days after launching the model.Subbu said that the Swift, rather than a competitor to Getz, was pitted against Hyundai's flagship model 'Santro'."It is in the santro category," he said, though adding that there were "no immediate plans" to revise the pricing of any of the company's models."We will wait and watch. These are early days yet," he added.