Officials said while the Bengaluru flight had been proposed for the morning hours, the AirAsia India had planned to operate the Mumbai flight in the evening. This would be the first service of the company in Chhattisgarh. The company had filed application to include both the flights in the summer schedule that would end on October 25.
With the operation of AirAsia India services, Chhattisgarh would get new flights to connect the two destinations. For Bengaluru, this would be the second flight. Another low-cost carrier Indigo had been operating a flight between Raipur and Bengaluru via Hyderabad that lands at the destination in the afternoon.
However, for Mumbai, six flights had been in operation. While Indigo has two flights, Jet Airways has been operating three flights to connect the capital of mineral-rich Chhattisgarh with the commercial capital of the country.