Amara Raja Batteries today announced an investment of Rs 88.20 crore to increase the automotive capacity by 50 per cent from 3.60 million units per annum to 5.40 million per annum.The company said the board of directors has approved the expansion plan, which will be completed by the second quarter of FY08, a release said.The current expansion to 5.40 million units would be the single largest investment made in the automotive battery business by the company, it said."To keep pace with our growing volumes, we are expanding our capacity in the automotive batteries by 50 per cent from the present 3.60 million to 5.40 million per annum. We will invest Rs 88.20 crore for this purpose," said MD Jayadev Galla."We need this expansion to meet market requirements in the next financial year. Once this expansion is completed, the turnover of the company should exceed Rs 1,000 crore," he said.