In the continuing drama over his resignation from IPCL, Anil Ambani has asked market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) and stock exchange authorities to look into the issue as well as adherence to all relevant laws.Anil Ambani wrote to Sebi, BSE and NSE last evening, coinciding with IPCL's public statement that he has ceased to be a director from January 20. Meanwhile, taking note of developments relating to the status of Anil Ambani as director on the board of IPCL, Sebi has asked stock exchanges to check the company's adherance to listing agreements.The matter (directorship and related correspondence) came up for review at the weekly surveillance meeting with exchanges last evening, SEBI sources said today.The exchanges have been asked to monitor trading in IPCL scrip, and look into the company's conformity with provisions of the listing pact, they added.The Mukesh Ambani-headed IPCL had yesterday said Anil's resignation from its board became effective from January 20 this year when the board considered it even as Anil Ambani said he had not heard anything from the company on his status as director on the board.The board of IPCL is meeting today to consider the financial results for 2004-05.