Baazee.Com CEO Avnish Bajaj, arrested in connection with Delhi Public School MMS scandal, today moved the Delhi High Court seeking bail."We have challenged the trial court order rejecting Bajaj's bail plea in the case," senior counsel for Bajaj, A S Chandhiok said.Bajaj's bail plea was rejected by a Delhi Court on Saturday and he was sent to jail for six days. The Metropolitan magistrate Nivedita Anil Sharma had dismissed the bail application, saying the probe was on and the offence alleged did not warrant grant of such a relief.Avnish Bajaj was arrested on Friday with police claiming that Baazee.Com listed the DPS MMS clip on its site under the title 'DPS girl having fun' for sale on November 24 and that the CEO did not make any effort to remove it until prodded.Bajaj had sought his release on bail on the ground that he had been cooperating with the police in the probe. The DPS student, who allegedly shot the video clips of explicit scenes with his classmate, was also arrested last night.