The Pulsar Adventure Sport series is launched targeting the young bikers, and the company will expand the category further in the next few months, said Managing Director Rajiv Bajaj. “We sell almost 60,000 Pulsars a month across categories.”
In the two-wheeler segment, Bajaj Auto dominates the 200-cc segment in India, though the category has a marginal share in the overall bike market. However, it has about 43 per cent share in the sports motorcycle segment across engine capacities. In the year ended March 2015, Bajaj Auto maintained its No.2 slot in the country’s motorcycle market while the gap between the third came down.
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Bajaj sold 1,770,778 motorcycles, while Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India sold 1,761,620 units and market leader Hero MotoCorp sold 5,679,634. Speaking at the launch, Bajaj said the company will not get into the scooter segment. Over the past few years, Bajaj Auto has focused on developing bikes under the KTM brand and expects the results to be reflected in the coming quarters.
In the exports segment, Bajaj leads, and the company is planning to enter 14 new markets this year for motorcycles. It currently exports to about 50 countries. Currently, Bajaj Auto exports about 30,000 bikes every month.
Earlier this month, the company had said that it would push its budget bikes like Platina and CT100 to take on Hero Motocorp as Discover failed to match its expectations.
The company would continue to expand offering in the 100-cc segment.