Bajaj Auto (BAL) is targeting revenues of Rs 10,000 crore for the current fiscal with total sales of 28 lakh vehicles.The company also launched today its 200cc Pulsar DTS-i at the price of Rs 65,497 ex showroom, New Delhi. It will be the first bike to come with an oil cooled engine with 18 BHP power."We are expecting 25% growth in turnover and 15% in profit margins for the current fiscal. To make our growth consistent we would be launching four new bikes and a couple of scooters in future to enhance our market share," , Rajiv Bajaj, managing director, BAL, said today.The company will also launch the much awaited fuel injection mode 220cc Pulsar motorcycle in June this year. It will have the largest engine made by Bajaj and is expected to tag a price of Rs 85,000, making it the company's most expensive buy.Bajaj will also introduce its cruiser bike Avenger, with a new 200cc engine and two more motorcycles models of around 125cc later this year. It will also bring out Blade, a scooter for the niche market in next six months.The company is also mulling a new greenfield project for the four-wheeler project."We will set up the facility in either Uttranchal or Maharashtra. The four-wheeler project is two year away and we will initially cater to the commercial goods market only and are not eyeing the passenger segment right now."It is also the first Indian bike to have standard electric start for engine cranking in place of the kick start lever and will have both front and rear tubeless tyres. It will carry a all digital console having all digital odometer, speedometer, fuel gauge and trip meter.