Bajaj Auto today reported a 25% decline in sales of motorcycles at 2,04,152 units in September as against 2,71,377 units sold in September 2006.An official release issued today said the company sold 18,131 units of Bajaj XCD DTS-Si, which was launched on September 9."With advance bookings virtually covering the October 2007 production target of 50,000 units, Bajaj is now expanding capacity for the XCD DTS-Si to 75,000 units/month. This should eventually translate into a 25% market share of the value segment for Bajaj enabling its overall motorcycles market share to inch closer to 40%," the release added.Two-wheeler sales declined 24% to 2,06,208 units in September from 2,72,271 units in the year-ago period.Sales of motorcycles declined 14% to 10,25,558 units in the first six months of the current fiscal (April-September) when compared with 11,91,249 units in the year-agop period.Sales of 2&3 wheelers dropped 13% to 11,85,684 units in H1FY08 from 13,57,621 units in H1FY07.