Bajaj Auto has said it is close to setting up a new manufacturing plant at Chakan near Pune for its foray into the 4-wheeler segment, while also mulling over setting up a production unit in Brazil for 2 wheelers."We are under negotiations to get land for our new plant. The plan is to set up a new goods carrier manufacturing facility in Chakan, Pune," Madhur Bajaj, Vice-Chairman, Bajaj Auto, said.He said the new goods-carrier would be of one tonne capacity on the lines of Tata Ace."We are first getting into the 4-wheeler goods-carrier and then we will see if we can enter into the passenger vehicles also," he added.The company has been scouting for land to set up the new greenfield unit. Earlier in the week, Rajiv Bajaj, company Managing Director had said that the company was mulling over Maharashtra or Uttarakhand for the plant, which would have about half a million vehicle production capacity.BAL had envisaged housing a common platform for three and four wheelers at the greenfield plant to give it the scale of operations.The 4-wheeler from Bajaj is expected to hit the markets in the next two years.Bajaj is also planning to set up a 2-wheeler plant in Brazil. "Next on the radar is a manufacturing plant in Brazil," Madhur Bajaj said.