Bata India Ltd is planning to introduce its Weinbrenner brand of rugged leather shoes and sandals, ranging between Rs 599 and Rs 1,199. "Bata India's focus is on exceeding customer expectations and consolidating its position in the marketplace," said managing director Fernando Garcia.
The company is leveraging its access to international technology to enhance its product development capabilities and add to its formidable range at every price point, stated a company press release.
Further, the company is also streamlining its distribution by creating a four-tier set-up of dedicated stores, each designed to meet the needs of a particular kind of customer.
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At the top rung is the International Store, which stocks Bata's international range of products and brands. The second tier comprises city stores, which are located at upmarket commercial centres, catering to the fashion-oriented middle and high-income group consumers.
Family stores, the third tier, is very much part of the Bata chain, located at high-traffic commercial locations in major and developing towns. At the bottom is bazaar stores, located at high traffic and densely populated markets. They offer basic volume brands for price-sensitive consumers and typically feature merchandise on clearance and discounts.