The legal battle for the Rs 5,000 crore assets of the M P Birla group has entered a crucial stage with the main arguments for claimant Rajendra S Lodha's probate petition for Priyamvada Birla's purported will about to begin soon.Lodha, who has claimed that the entire property has been bequeathed to him by Priyamvada, has so far fought with equal elan, but the most crucial time is ahead with the main suit for the assets to be taken up now.However, the hearing of the probate application of Lodha for the assets of the M P Birla group in which three members of the Birla family now remain contenders could get delayed if the Birlas decide to challenge the dismissal of caveats by three others from the family."We are yet to get the certified copy of the order. After going through it, we will decide whether to appeal against the order," a source in the Birla group said. "We already have three caveats in the case and can fight Lodha through those in the suit," he added.Justice Kalyan Jyoti Sengupta, who is hearing the case, had admitted that B K Birla had a caveatable interest in the matter and as such can challenge Lodha over the latter's probate proceedings while dismissing the caveats of three other birlas - K K Birla, G P Birla and Yash Birla.Two sisters of M P Birla, Laxmi Devi Newar and Radha Devi Mohta, would also fight the case against Lodha as their caveats were not challenged by Lodha.Birlas suffered a setback when the court refused to appoint an administrator for the M P Birla group companies while directing Lodha to maintain status quo in the group.An order on the maintainability of the criminal case instituted by the Birlas against Lodha and three of his associates is also awaited in which hearing has been completed before the Calcutta High Court.In the criminal case lodged before a city court, Birlas had alleged that Lodha, S N Prasad, Dr V Gaurishankar and S K Daga had committed a fraud on Priyamvada who, by a purported will in 1999, had bequeathed the entire assets of the M P Birla group to Lodha.Lodha and his associates filed an application before the High Court seeking quashing of the criminal proceedings before the lower court. Hearing of the application has been completed, and the order is awaited.In another significant victory for Lodha, the Company Law Board (CLB) has declared him and two others elected as directors of the M P Birla group flagship company Birla Corporation.