Defence major Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has signed an agreement with Wipro Infotech for companywide implementation of MySAP Business Suite, an integrated business application software from SAP. |
Initially, pilot implementation will be carried out in 3 Divisions of BEL's Bangalore Complex "� Naval Systems, Low Power Equipment and Electron Tubes. |
On successful completion of this, the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) package will be rolled out in two phases in the remaining Divisions of Bangalore Complex, other Units and Offices of BEL. This project is planned to be completed in 38 months. |
The MySAP Business Suite being implemented at BEL will have core Enterprise Resource Planning along with Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Supplier Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management, Human Resources, Business Intelligence and Enterprise Portal. This will help synergise the company's resources through information management. |
Wipro Infotech, the system integrator, selected after a tendering process, will be responsible for software installation, database administration, software configuration, customisation of applications, reports development, bugs resolution, performance tuning, documentation, user training and implementation support. |