Bharti Airtel, the country's largest private cellular player, is likely to be issued a show cause notice for putting up two towers within a distance of 10 kms of international border with Nepal in Bihar service area in violation of licence agreement.Although the condition of distance between the two towers was relaxed to 500 meters along the international border within Indian territory with effect from February 26 this year, the government considers that Bharti had violated licence agreement according to the conditions that existed at the time of the vigilance check.According to a report by the vigilance wing of Department of Telecom (DoT) in February 2006, Bharti Airtel had base station towers at Jogbani and Forbesganj which fall within 10 kms of Nepal border.Sources said that the licensor (DoT) may impose a financial penalty of up to Rs 50 crore for violation of terms and conditions of licence agreement.DoT, however, mentioned that Bharti had applied in 2005 for approval to put up towers in Jogbani and Forbejgunj to the Wireless Planning Coordination (WPC), and the case was pending for want of the no objection certificate.The department has put up the matter before communication and IT minister A Raja for his approval, sources said, adding the exact nature and quantum of penalty would be decided with the approval of competent authority after the examination of the replies of the company.