Bharti Retail, a subsidiary of Sunil Mittal-promoted Bharti Enterprises, today launched its operations by opening first store in Ludhiana, Punjab. The stores, known as 'Easy Day', would be a one-stop shop to cater to every family's day-to-day needs, company officials said, adding that "it will bring together a relevant and wide product range, good quality products and great-in-experience and service-all under one roof".The store would sell personal care products, stationary, household articles, hosiery items, daily-need groceries like staples, processed foods, bakery and diary products, meat and poultry, and fresh produce.The company had earlier announced an investment of up to $ 2.5 billion(Rs 10,000 crore) by 2015 in retail operations including multi-format retail outlets across all cities in India that have population of over one million.Announcing the road map for its retail ventures last year, Rajan Mittal, Joint Managing Director of Bharti Enterprises, had said that Bharti was looking at approximately 10 million square feet of retail experience throughout the country and employing about 60,000 people.Today's launch is exclusive from Bharti's proposed joint venture with US retailer WalMart for the back-end operations.