Three units of 210 mw capacity each supplied by BHEL are already operating at the power plant. The power plant- which will add about 12 million units of power to the grid on a daily basis - is expected to be commissioned by the end of the eleventh plan period.
Under the contract, BHEL will carry out manufacturing, erection and commissioning of steam turbines, generators, boilers and balance of plant (BoP) equipments.
The equipment manufacturer had earlier in April bagged a Rs 3,368 crore order for supplying and installing power equipments - three 500 mw coal based units - for Chattisgarh state electricity board's two power generation projects.
The Navratna PSU has a total manufacturing capacity of around 10,000 mw which it plans to ramp up to 15,000 mw in the coming two years, with a total investment of Rs 4,200 crore.