Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL) has bagged a Rs 2,900 crore contract for supply of equipment for Aravali Power Company's upcoming Jhajjar super thermal power project in Haryana.The order from Aravali Power Company (APCPL), a joint venture of NTPC, Indraprastha Power Generation and Haryana Power Generation, has been won under an international competitive bidding process, according to a release issued by BHEL today.The Jhajjar plant involves three units of 500 MW each, and would add 36 million units of power every day to Delhi and Haryana grids. The power from the first unit will also be used for the Commonwealth Games to be held in Delhi in 2010, the release added."This is the highest value boiler and turbine generator package contract for a single project received by BHEL," the release said.