The largest power equipment manufacturer in the country posted a net profit of Rs 6,485 crore in 2012-13, compared with Rs 7,040 crore in the year before. Turnover increased by a marginal one per cent to Rs 50,015 crore from Rs 49,510 crore. "We had a turnover target of Rs 1 lakh crore. Now, we are taking a re-look at it," chairman and managing director B P Rao said at the company's annual press conference.
He attributed the decline in profit to increased manpower cost at the back of increased dearness allowance (DA) for its 49,000-strong workforce, increased cost of financing and the dip in interest cost as a few customers delayed payments squeezing resources being parked in banks. "The last time annual profit had dipped was in the year 2000-01," he said.
Despite what Rao said was a "depressing power scenario", the low-base effect pushed BHEL's order inflow 43 per cent during the year ended March 2013. The company witnessed a fresh order flow of Rs 31,528 crore in 2012-13, compared to Rs 22,096 crore in 2011-12. This is in stark contrast to the annual order inflow of around Rs 60,000 crore in the previous three financial years.
Last financial year's orders of Rs 31,528 crore included the private sector's orders of around Rs 6,000 crore in the industry segment (Rs 4,086 crore) and international business segment (Rs 2,004 crore). A majority of the orders totalling Rs 22,553 crore came in from the power segment, largely placed by government entities. At the end of 2012-13, cumulative orders in hand for execution this year and beyond stood at Rs 1.15 lakh crore. Also, BHEL-make capacity commissioned increased 11 per cent to 10,340 Mw during last financial year.
Experts indicated Bhel has managed to perform rather well given the sector's health. "Bhel's financial results are better than our expectations. Although net profit declined by 8.6 per cent to 6,485 crore, it was still better than expectations. However, slow execution on account of client deferrals (due to slowdown in investment cycle) and various problems in the power sector continue to remain overhang on the stock," said Amit Patil, research analyst-capital goods at Angel Broking. He, however, expects Bhel's margin to gradually decline over the next few years due to tough competition.