Integrated express courier and package distribution firm Blue Dart Express today said it plans to invest about Rs 1,000 crore in the next five to eight years to expand its infrastructure and ground services."The company would invest Rs 1,000 crore over the next five to eight years to expand its aircraft fleet, add material handling equipment and ramp up ground handling facilities" Anil Khanna, MD, Blue Dart told reporters.Blue Dart also launched a new ground express service 'Surfaceline', which would expand its coverage to 17,500 locations from 14,600 locations at present."The company has a market share of 5.8% in the ground segment but aims to take it to 20% in the next five to eight years to achieve market leadership in the express industry," Khanna said.The company's expansion plan would be funded through internal accruals, he added."Tier-I and Tier-II cities offer increasing opportunities for Blue Dart's surfaceline. The growth of organised retail in the country, emergence of SEZs, IT parks also provide prospects for our new service," he said.The company also plans to open 58 new warehouses across the country by 2010."The company has already invested Rs 22 crore in infrastructure building this year," Tulsi Mirchandaney, senior VP, Blue Dart, said.Blue Dart is a part of the DHL group and currently has a 41.7% market share in domestic air express segment.