Aircraft maker Boeing on Friday said the company was not seeing any big impact of the global economic slowdown in the Indian aviation market in the form of cancellation of orders. The US-based aerospace major, which had earlier projected that there would be a requirement of aircraft worth $105 billion in India in the next 20 years, said the company was planning to deliver 100 planes to India worth $17 billion over the next five years.
"Whatever forecast we had made regarding the demand for aircraft by the airlines in India, still stands good despite the economic slowdown. We want to extend our footprint in India," Dinesh Keskar, president, Boeing India, said during the launch of Boeing's research and technology centre in Bangalore.
He said Boeing had not seen any cancellation of its orders for civilian aircraft from Indian airlines. Last year, Jet Airways had deferred the order of two aircraft.
Other than the civilian market, Boeing is also actively pursuing some large orders in the defence sector in India, including the supply of 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft by the Ministry of Defence, RFPs for which have already been issued.
The research and technology centre opened by Boeing in Bangalore is the third by the company outside the US. The other two centres are located in Europe and Australia. The company said the centre would work in close collaboration with R&D organisations, universities and other companies to help sustain Boeing's competitive technological edge.
"Boeing is partnering with the best researchers around the world, who find the best technology solutions for our customers. We look forward to working with our partners in India on some promising new technologies," John Tracy, Boeing's chief technology officer and senior vice-president, engineering, operations and technology, said. According to the company, the researchers in this centre will work on innovations around aero-structures, aerodynamics and electronic network.