The program is aimed at providing student with global exposure, according to Ambarish Datta, MD & CEO, BSE Institute Ltd
“This program gives the student a unique opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of finance and a truly global perspective by learning and experiencing financial products, services and markets in Asian and European contexts and environments," he said in a press release.
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Professor Dr. Udo Steffens, President and CEO, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, said the program incorporates an international dimension towards the study of finance.
“The bi-national set-up with BSE Institute Ltd. and Frankfurt School…supports the curriculum’s global agenda. Frankfurt as the financial hub in Europe and Mumbai as a striving Asian financial center offer an excellent combination of perspectives,” he said in the note.
The admission forms are available till 31 st July 2013 and the program begins in September. The two institutions will also offer a 20 per cent scholarship to some students, said the release.