Flight simulators and pilot training solutions provider CAE has acquired Bangalore-based Macmet Technologies for approximately Canadian $5 million (about Rs 19.1 crore) in cash. Simulations developer Macmet will join the Quebec-headquartered company with a team of 90 people."The acquisition of Macmet will provide greater access to India's growing market, and provide CAE additional capabilities to offer cost-effective entry-level training devices," Marc Parent, group president (simulation products and military training & services), CAE said.CAE already has a team of 150 engineers in Bangalore. The team in India develops visual database, aircraft systems and instructor support systems software for CAE globally. Besides, CAE has also recently announced to develop a aviation training centre in Bangalore with an investment of $20 million. Parent said that the acquisition of Macmet would help CAE to further expand its operations and address both the civil and military markets in India.Macmet assembles, repairs and upgrades flight simulators, tank and gunnery trainers and naval tactical trainers, apart from developing software required for simulations. The company has also developed simulations for naval wargaming.Some of the recent programs led by Macmet include developing a Cheetah helicopter simulator for the Indian Army, a MiG-27 part task trainer for the Indian Air Force and naval command team trainers for the Indian Navy."Becoming part of one of the world's premier simulation and training companies with a global presence is very exciting for Macmet. We will play a key role in CAE's continued expansion in India and look forward to representing the entire breadth and capability of CAE to the Indian defence and aerospace market," H J Kamath, president, Macmet Technologies, said.With annual revenues of over C$1 billion, CAE operates in 19 countries around the world. CAE has sold nearly 700 simulators and training devices to airlines, aircraft manufacturers, training centres and defence forces for air and ground purposes in more than 40 countries.