Cafe Coffee Day (CCD), a division of the amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Co, will invest Rs 95 crore to Rs 100 crore as a part of its expansion plan in the next 12-15 months."Presently, we have 435 outlets in 83 cities. We will go up to 700 outlets in the next 12-15 months in India. We will also open 50 outlets in Vienna and Karachi in the next two years," A Venu Madhav, head (operations), CCD, said on the sidelines of a CII seminar today.Each outlet will cost about Rs 25-30 lakh, he said."Karachi does not have hang-out places for youths and hence it is a potential place for CCD to have its outlets. The response for Indian coffee is good in Vienna. So we have selected these two places as a part of our expansion plans."CCD has an outlet each in Vienna and Karachi.In India, the outlets will be located in Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai.The company will fund the growth through internal accruals and has no immediate plans to go public, he said, while ruling out the possibilities of any joint venture or acquisitions."If Starbucks comes to India, we will have to work more aggressively to sustain the competition," Madha, however, said.In FY06-07, CCD's turnover was Rs 400 crore.