Aiming at becoming the second-largest smartphone seller in India, homegrown dual-SIM mobile handset maker, Celkon Impex, is expanding its portfolio with two new smartphone devices across different price points. The company, at present, sells six smartphone models.
According to third-party data, around 50.2 million phones were shipped to India in the first quarter of 2012, of which 47.5 million were feature phones and 2.7 million smartphones. Samsung is currently leading the pack in the smartphones segment, followed by Micromax.
“Our idea is to play across the price points. We will be rolling out two smartphone launches – A22 with a 4.5-inch display and dual-core processor for sub-Rs 9,000, and a smartphone device for sub-Rs 4,000 next month,” Murali Retheneni, executive director of Celkon, told Business Standard.
The Hyderabad-based company, which claims to be the number one mobile devices seller in Andhra Pradesh, and third across the country.