The Union Cabinet is likely to clear the much-awaited Rs 14,600-crore Chennai metro rail project and the over Rs 900-crore water desalination project in the next two weeks, said Union minister for urban development Jaipal Reddy. The Japan International Cooperative Agency will fund 60 per cent of the metro rail project cost, while the central and state governments will contribute 20 per cent each.
He was speaking to reporters at the one-day conference on ‘Urbanisation – providing affordable housing for all’ organised by the CII here on Friday.
About 20 kilometres of the 43-km planned in the first phase of the project will be underground while the remaining will be elevated structures. The foundation stone for the project will be laid in the next two months, the minister said adding that the Cabinet will also clear the water desalination project, which was proposed on 40 acres near Mamallapuam in Kancheepuram district.
Of the total cost, the Centre will contribute Rs 870 crore while the rest will be borne by the state government. The proposed second desalination plant will supply 100 million litres of water every day.