From Rs 9.28 crore worth profit after tax (PAT) in Q4 of previous fiscal 2011-12, the sanitaryware player saw a 49.94% rise in the same at Rs 13.93 crore in Q4 of FY '13. In terms of revenue for the said quarter, Cera Sanitaryware posted a growth of 36.55% in its revenue at Rs 157.95 crore for Q4 2012-13 as against Rs 100.21 crore for the corresponding period last year.
For the entire fiscal year ended March 31, 2013, the post-tax profit stood at Rs 46.21 crore as compared to Rs 32.04% for the last FY 2011-12, registering an increase of 44%. In terms of revenue, Cera Sanitaryware registered a growth of 53% at Rs 487.86 crore for FY 2012-13 from Rs 319.38 crore for last fiscal 2011-12.
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Talking about the company's performance, Vikram Somany, Chairman and Managing Director of Cera Sanitaryware Limited said, "CERA's focused endeavors to provide complete bathroom solutions to its customer base across the length and breadth of the country. The strategic planning in terms of product optimisation and leveraging on Cera's strong brand image with well supported penetrating distribution network has helped the company achieving high growth and set new standards for itself."
The CAGR of company during last five years has remained much more than industry growth rate.
"We are confident of sustaining the company's growth in coming years with its business strategies of continuously upgrading product basket, leveraging on strong brand image, optimising product potential, capacity utilization and distribution network-all backed up by well structured sales and marketing plans," Somany added.
Meanwhile, the company also declared dividend at the rate of 80% for the year.