Kolkata's monopoly power supplier CESC has reported 49 per cent increase in net profit at Rs 82 crore in the first quarter ended June 30, 2007 for this financial year, compared with profit after tax (PAT) of Rs 55 crore in the first quarter of the last financial year, on the back of sales of Rs 760 crore in the first quarter of this year against Rs 695 crore in the first quarter of the last financial year. |
Earning per share in the first quarter of this financial year was Rs 9.73 against Rs 6.64. |
Sales in terms of million kWh registered 7 per cent growth over the corresponding period last year, which necessitated additional import of power by 110 million kwh, reflecting the buoyant power demand in its command area. |
The overall PLF at CESC generating stations was over 1 per cent higher than that of the corresponding period last year. |
The declining trend in interest costs continued in spite of fresh borrowing for capital expenditure. |