Arun Kumar M, who led the investment from The Chennai Angels , said Syona cosmetics fits perfectly into the skin and hair care segment in the rapidly growing beauty salon chain market in India.
"We believe the product superiority based on research and their focus on training the beauticians in salons would give them a cutting edge in the salon space.
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"We at TCA are very excited to be in this Rs 2,500 crore beauty salon segment", said Kumar.
Syona Cosmetics, founded in 2012 by first generation entrepreneurs Raja Varatharaju and Anuradha Balasubramanian, has been growing at a rapid pace as a favourite among salon owners and customers with their efficacious and affordable products marketed under the brand Estrella Professional.
"Our focus has been to be a leading salon care specialist by providing world-class products, services and training to salons and estheticians. In the past 2 years of launch, we have trained more than 4000+ estheticians on the use of our products and we believe in empowering & educating the community to be able to administer complex solutions to make end customers achieve the results they want. The current funding will help Syona stabilize & scale up professional division operations in South India and test waters in retail. Syona Cosmetics also has its eyes set on retail offerings with unique concepts & solutions that are certain to excite the category" says Raja.