The Gurgaon police on Tuesday filed a chargesheet in a local court in the multi-crore Citibank fraud case against Shivraj Puri, Sanjay Gupta and Gaurav Jain.
The chargesheet comes three months after the bank registered a case, naming Puri as the main accused.
Puri was a relationship manager at Citibank’s DLF Phase-II branch in Gurgaon, where he allegedly lured rich clients to invest in a fraudulent scheme that promised high returns. It is alleged that Sanjay Gupta and Gaurav Jain, employees of Hero Corporate, connived with Puri. Several Hero Group and Munjal family entities invested in the scheme.
Sources in the Gurgaon police said the investigation would continue to probe the role of other bank officials and brokerage firms like Religare, Bonanza and Okaya.
The three accused are lodged at the Bhondsi Jail.