The draft action plan on climate change in the mining sector plans to carry out a study to determine appropriate policy instruments to promote energy efficiency in the mining clusters and mineral transport sector.
As a measure in that direction, the directorate of mines (DoM) will be vested with the task of identifying areas in mining processes where energy savings and emission reduction can be achieved.
While emphasis will be given on exploring cleaner technologies and best practices in coal mining, a study is proposed to be taken up to find out the potential of coal bed methane in coalfields of the state, official sources said.
A separate coal evacuation plan will be put in place for Talcher and Ib valley coalfields.
Similarly, an environmental restoration fund (ERF) is proposed to be constituted taking contributions from the mining houses.
A mechanism will be devised to implement a system of compensatory water harvesting and storage around mining clusters by the concerned mines and efforts will be made to protect and restore water harvesting structures in the catchment of the mining intensive areas.
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Besides, the government proposes to take up a regional hydrological survey for mining clusters of Joda-Barbil, Koira, Talcher-Angul, Ib valley, Sukinda valley areas, limestone and dolomite belts and eastern ghat bauxite zones.
The draft action plan prepared by the sectoral group on mining also proposes to conduct studies to identify the potential of beneficiation of low grade iron ore, manganese, graphite and chrome ore.
It also seeks to leverage the best practices in metal mining for fighting the impacts of climate change.