Taking strong objection to the manner in which the IITs select candidates every year, CNR Rao, chairman, Scientific Advisory Council of the Prime Minister, today emphasised the need for reducing the burden on students."The concept of examination has killed the spirit of innovation among students. Every year, IITs conduct entrance examination and students are exhausted by the time they successfully complete them. They tend to lead a retired life for the next four years (course duration). Where is the scope for innovation? Examinations should only be incidental," Rao, who is also chairman of IITs, said. Delivering the keynote address at the CII's 'India Innovation Summit 2007', Rao said students were forced to rely on tutorials to prepare for the IITs entrance examination. "This was not the situation when the IITs were started. The entrance examinations are killing the spirit of creativity among students. This is not good for a developing country like ours," he said.The country seriously lags behind many nations in innovation and obtaining patents. "A small company in Taiwan gets more patents than India as a whole. There is an acute lack of original research work in engineering and technology in the country. Double digit economic growth is possible only when there is a lot of innovation," he added.He called upon the private sector to develop a world-class university to rival the IITs and IISc. "Industries have the capability to start a university on par with those in the US. Why should you rely on government-aided colleges and institutions for talent? Start an institution with your own expertise, it will enable innovation in a large way for the benefit of the industry as well as the country," Rao said.