Net profits for the half year ended September 2003, increased by 16.1 per cent to Rs 43.9 crore from Rs 37.8 crore in the corresponding period of the previous year.
Sales for the quarter at Rs 255.5 crore declined by 3.2 per cent from the same quarter last year. The company has said in a media release that its drive to reduce operational costs and improve the efficenices of expenditure coupled with reduced advertising spends have again increased operating margins by 50 basis points to 13.2 per cenrt for the quarter.
Higher interest income and a lower tax charge have contributed in improving the return on sales by 190 basis points to 9.1 per cent, yielding a net profit of Rs 23.2 crore for the quarter.
Colgate Palmolive India is a leading provider of oral care products at various price poitns. These include, toothpastes, toothbrushes and toothp[owder under the Colgate brand and as well as a specialised range of therapies under the baaner of Colgate Oral Pharamceuticals.