The channel has already roped in Tata Motors’ Safari Storme as title sponsor for Rs 18 crore for the first season, sources said. It is also close to a deal on another sponsor for Rs 12-14 crore and eight associate sponsors for Rs 46.4 crore. According to sources close to the show, the channel is looking at charging nearly Rs 3.5-4 lakh for a 10-second slot. It is yet not clear whether the rate is considering the 10+2 ad cap or not. After Bigg Boss, the channel hopes for 24 to be the highest earning property of the year for it. According to industry sources, the Salman Khan-anchored show would fetch the channel anything between Rs 115-125 crore over its three month run.
The first look of the show will be released in cinemas on August 23 with the movie, Madras Cafe. The show will have Kapoor playing the lead as Jai Singh Rathod (the Indian counterpart of Keifer Sutherland’s character Jack Bauer in the original).
Kapoor had starred in the American series as the president of a small Islamic country in its eighth season. The Indian version is being directed by Abhinav Deo, who directed the Bollywood movie, Delhi Belly.