Cords Cable Industries (CCIL) has fixed the price band or its proposed Initial Public Offering (IPO) at Rs 125-135 per equity share. The issue will open for subscription on January 21 and close on January 24.The company is planning to tender 30,85,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each for cash at a price to be decided through a book-building process, CCIL said in a release today.Collins Stewart Inga is the book running lead manager to the issue.The company proposes to list the shares on both Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange. The public issue includes an employee reservation of 70,000 equity shares and the net issue to the public is 30,15,000 equity shares.The issue would constitute 27% of the fully diluted post-issue paid-up capital of the company and the net issue would constitute 26.38%, it said.CCIL, which manufactures cables for electrical connectivity requirements, had posted a net profit of Rs 7.01 crore during FY07.