Aryaman Financial Services: On behalf of Monalisa Mouldings Pvt Ltd (Monalisa) and Azam Plastics Pvt Ltd (Azam), the company is making an open offer to the shareholders of Garnet Paper Mills for acquisition of further 20,92,520 equity shares representing 20 per cent of the issued and paid up equity share capital of Garnet at a price of Rs 10 per equity share for fully paid up equity shares & Rs 2.50 per share for partly paid up shares. (The offer price payable in cash). The number of fully paid up shares with the public are 6,89,700 and the balance 14,02,820 equity shares are partly paid up shares. The offer is not subject to any minimum level of acceptance.
AstraZeneca Pharma India: DSP Merrill Lynch has informed that, pursuant to the public announcement for open offer made by Astra Pharmaceuticals AB to the shareholders of the company, Astra Pharmaceuticals AB has acquired on 06.06.02, 25,733 (0.51 per cent) equity of the company through open market purchase. The maximum price paid for shares acquired through open market purchase was Rs 375 per share.
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Cadila Healthcare: The company has informed that pursuant to the public announcement for open offer made by the company to the shareholders of German Remedies Ltd, the company has acquired 3,619 (0.0439 per cent) equity shares of GRL on 05.06.02. The maximum price paid for shares acquired through open market purchases was Rs 295.00 per share.
Aban Loyd Chiles Offshore: The board on 20/05/2002 has resolved that 10,85,271 fully paid up equity shares of Rs 10 each and 13,288 equity shares of Rs 10 each (Rs 5 paid up) are allotted in the swap ratio as details below :-1) For every 5 fully paid equity shares of Rs 10 each of Hitech Drilling Services India Ltd, 2 fully paid equity shares of Rs 10 each of the company will be allotted. 2) For every 5 equity shares of face value of Rs 10 each on which Rs 5 per share paid up of Hitech Drilling Services India Ltd, 2 equity shares of face value of Rs 10 each on which Rs 5 per share paid up of the company will be allotted.
Abbot Laboratories: The Life Insurance Corporation has informed that they had sold 2,73,940 equity shares of Rs 10 each of the company at Rs 245 per share to Pharmacia Corporation.
Amtek Auto: Amtek India, an associate company of the promoter group, has sold 50,300 equity shares of the company on 03/06/2002.
Omax Autos: The company has received an intimation on 03/06/02 that Mehta Engineers has disposed off 31,300 equity shares of the company.
S V Electricals Ltd: Genesis Securities has acquired further 43,300 equity shares of the company from Gita Nair, Indore, whereby their total holding now comes to 6.76 per cent of the total equity paid up capital of the company.
BSES: In terms of Regulation 13(6) of Sebi (prohibition of insider trading, regulations 1992), the company has informed that Reliance Power Venture Ltd has acquired 30,77,723 (2.23 per cent) shares during 20/02/2002 to 28/03/2002 through market purchase. After this acquisition, its holding is 3,28,90,275 (23.88 per cent) shares in the company.
Essar Oil: In terms of Regulation 13(6) of Sebi, (prohibition of insider trading regulations 1992), the company has informed that Chandrakush Traders has acquired 66,77,604 (1.88 per cent) shares on 24/05/2002 through inter-se transfer. After this acquisition, its holding is 2,36,29,316 (6.65 per cent) shares in the company. Further, company has informed that Essar Projects has informed the company vide letter dated 30/05/02 that they has sold 2,16,77,604 (6.10 per cent) shares. After this sales their shareholding is nil in the company.
Sonata Software: In terms of regulation 8 of Sebi, substantial acquisition of shares and take over regulation, 1997, the company has informed the shareholding of promoters and the shareholders in the company as on 21.05.02 :-S B Ghia 14,600 (0.01 per cent) shares, M D Dalal & family 13,21,100 (1.26 per cent) shares, Bhupati Investments and Finance 2,30,66,700 (21.94 per cent) shares and Rajan B Raheja & family 2,31,87,450 (22.05 per cent) shares.
Gleitlager (India) Ltd: In terms of Regulation 8 of SEBI, substantial acquisition of shares and take over regulation, 1997, the company has informed that Daido Metal Co Ltd is holding 4,43,040 (9.85 per cent) shares as on 31.03.02.
Moschip Semiconductor Technology: In terms of Regulation 3(3) of Sebi (substantial acquisition of shares and takeover) Regulations 1997, the company has informed that Silutions Technologies Inc, USA proposed to acquire 1,60,000 (1.42 per cent) shares at Rs 30 per share by way of preferential allotment. Date of proposed acquisition is 14/06/02. Moreover, ESS Technology Inc, proposed to acquire 16,00,000 (7.28 per cent) shares at Rs 30 per share by way of preferential allotment. Their shareholding after this proposed acquisition is 16,00,000 (7.28 per cent) shares.
Godrej Consumer Products: The company has extinguished 15,899 shares pursuant to buy back. Equity capital of the company after the said extinguishment is 58403547 shares of Rs 4 each.
Great Eastern Shipping Co: The company has extinguished 1,03,666 equity shares pursuant to buy back. Equity capital of the company after the said extinguishment stands reduced to 19,12,66,768 shares.
Jammu & Kashmir Bank: H S Anand and M I Shahdad have ceased to be directors of the bank at 64th AGM of the shareholders held on June 03, 2002. G Q Allaqaband and D S Kandhari were appointed as directors on the board. A M Khusro, G P Gupta and Vipin Malik were reappointed as additional directors.
Nirma Ltd: The board today appointed Kaushikbhai N Patel and Chinubhai R Shah as additional directors on the board wef June 6, 2002.
Raasi Refractories: At the board meeting on April 30, 2002, M Ravindra Varma was appointed chairman & managing director, A K Singh as executive director (operations) and M L Vijaya Rama Raju as whole-time director.
Surat Electricity Company: The Government of Gujarat has accorded in principle approval to the company to set up a 675 MW power project subject to appropriate clearances within a period of 3 years from the date of aforesaid in-principle approval.
Nalco Chemicals India: A meeting of the board will be held on June 14, 2002 to consider and, if deemed appropriate, pass a resolution approving the scheme of amalgamation of Acquazur India Pvt. Ltd with the company, with or without modifications.
Mafatlal Lubricants: The high court of Mumbai has directed the company to held meeting of the equity shareholders on 14/06/2002 for the purpose of amalgamation of Sandeep Traders & Investments and Stanrose Holdings Ltd with the company and to restructure/ reorganise the issued, subscribed and paid up capital of the company.
Punjab Anand Lamp Industries: The High Court of Punjab and Haryana has directed the company to hold a meeting of equity shareholders on 25/06/2002 for the purpose of amalgamation of the company with Phillips India Ltd.
Kopran Ltd: The board has decided to extend the closure of the rights issue from June 07, 2002 to June 22, 2002. The right issue was for 71,50,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each for cash at a premium of Rs 30 per share, aggregating to Rs 28.6 crore on a rights basis, in the ratio of 1 (one) equity share for every 2 (two) equity shares held as on the record date (ie March 28, 2002)
E.Star Infotech Ltd: A special margin of 25 per cent has been imposed on E.Star Infotech Ltd with effect from June 6, 2002. Special margin will be imposed on the basis of memberwise gross outstanding purchase or sale position (clientwise net).