Notice under insider trading rule
Thermax Ltd: In terms of regulation 13 of Sebi Insider Trading Regulations, 1992 the company has informed that Prakash Kulkarni, managing director, has acquired 2250 shares. After this acquisition his total holding is 25500, Mrs S P Kulkarni has acquired 1750 shares, after this acquisition her total holding is 1750.
Bonus issue
Also Read
Munoth Hire Purchase Ltd: has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on July 08, 2002 to transact the following: 1. To recommend the issue of bonus shares to the existing shareholders; 2. Proposal for sub-division of shares. The Board will also consider the approval of the notice of extra ordinary general meeting for the aforesaid matter.
Share deals/Stake change/Splits
Vysya Bank Ltd: The board has reviewed the bank