The XIV additional chief metropolitan magistrate today reserved the orders on the pleas of B Teja Raju and B Rama Raju, both sons of Satyam Computer Services founder B Ramalinga Raju.
The matter was heard today. Teja Raju, who is vice-chairman of Maytas Infra, sought court's direction to CBI to defreeze his four bank accounts. Teja Raju said in the petition that he was facing difficulty in meeting various expenditures as his accounts had been frozen.
B Rama Raju, vice-chairman of Maytas Properties, pleaded with the court for a direction to the CBI, which seized his computer and laptop and two pen drives in connection with the investigation, to return them. They contained data related to a thesis his wife was doing, he stated.
The CBI argued that if the investigation proved that money had flown out from Satyam to Maytas, the amount in the accounts would have to be confiscated. On the other hand, if the accounts were defreezed, it was likely that all funds from the four accounts would be removed making the confiscation difficult.
It also said the seized laptops and computers of Rama Raju should not be returned till the investigation was over. There was a possibility that the computers might have some data relating to the Satyam case.
Meanwhile, a petition filed by B Ramalinga Raju's counsel yesterday asking it to quash the July 9 order of the lower court, which allowed the CBI to conduct lie detector (polygraph test) and brain mapping (F300 testing) on Raju and his brother B Rama Raju and former chief financial officer Srinivas Vadlamani, all accused in the multi-crore scam at Satyam, came up for hearing today.
Raju's counsel contended that the tests violated fundamental rights of the accused and would subject them to pressure. The confessions, anyway, were not admissible in the court. The CBI counsel sought time till July 27 from the court to file a counter and informed that they would not conduct the tests till July 30.