Dabur India today reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 78.65 crore for the second quarter ended September 2006 as against Rs 64.41 crore in Q2FY06.According to a release issued by the company to the BSE, total income stood at Rs 574.40 crore as against Rs 471.31 crore in Q2FY06.On a standalone basis, the company posted a net profit at Rs 68.81 crore from Rs 52.05 crore in Q2FY06. Total income stood at Rs 444.57 crore from Rs 332.94 crore for Q2FY06."Due to the merger of the company's subsidiaries, namely Balsara Home Products, Balsara Hygiene Products and Besta Cosmetics with itself during the quarter, the figures of the current quarter are not comparable with Q2FY06," the release added.The board, which met today, proposed issue of one bonus share for every two equity shares held by the shareholders of the company by way of capitalisation of amount standing to the credit of General Reserve Account.According to the release issued by the company to the BSE, the board also declared an interim dividend of 100% (Re 1 per equity share having face value of Re 1 each) on the equity shares of the company for the financial year 2006-07.