Deccan Aviation, in which Vijay Mallya's UB group has picked up 46 per cent stake, may hive off its aviation chartering business into a separate entity. Deccan sources said the board had initiated discussions in this regard. A final decision would be taken later. |
In 1997, the company started its journey by starting helicopter chartering. At the moment, the company has 13 helicopters and two business jets for chartering services. |
The source said the aviation chartering business generated Rs 70 crore in the last financial year. "This is growing at a decent pace", they said. |
Deccan plans to expand the aviation chartering business to tap the huge potential which exists in the areas of helicopter tourism, offshore oil explorations, geophysical mineral and power line survey. |
The company had already provided helicopter chartering services to several oil companies for offshore exploration. |
Sources said the company was also talking with the West Bengal government for offering helicopter chartering services. |
To strengthen operations, Deccan would get delivery of four A320s before August 2008. It presently has 20 A320s and 22 ATR Turboprop aircraft. |
After completion of five years of domestic operations, Deccan plans to start fly overseas for which it was eyeing the countries in South-east Asia and West Asia. Deccan would approach the Centre before March 2008 for getting the approval. |
Deccan has also jointly given the mandate with Kingfisher Airlines to Accenture, to recommend on how to improve the synergy in operations of the two airlines. |