Captain Gopinath-led Deccan Charters on Thursday said it would launch intra-state flights in Gujarat in the first week of May providing air connectivity to six cities from here in the phase one. "With a view to creating new market, we have proposed to launch intra-state flights in Gujarat for the first time in the country from first week of May. The facility is being introduced in collaboration with the state government," Founder of Deccan Charter Capt G R Gopinath told PTI.
"The government will support this venture by giving a push to marketing of these services through its tourism department," he said.
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and Gopinath were scheduled to announce the launch of intra-state flights tomorrow in Surat but it has been postponed due to delay in arrival of its two ATR-72 aircraft from Europe for the launch services. "The aircraft being imported from Europe for the launch of intra-state services in Gujarat have got stuck up," a company official said explaining the cancellation of launch event and adding that they are likely to be delivered in next two days.