The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) has framed a comprehensive investment plan of about Rs 300 crore to strengthen power transmission and distribution system in district Mewat.
A spokesman of the Nigam said here today that DHBVN plans to renovate and modernize complete distribution system in the district by creating High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) or Insulated Cable Based Distribution System (ICBDS) in all the villages and urban areas of the district.
Under HVDS a large number of transformers would be added in villages giving 10-20 connections from one transformer.
Besides adding new transformers, about 286 existing transformers are planned to be renovated and modernized in district Mewat.
For proper audit of electricity, all distribution transformers would be provided with metering equipment of latest technology with communication facility.
The Government of India has sanctioned a plan of Rs 14.5 crores to strengthen power distribution system under RGGVY (Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana), to improve different services and to release connections to people living below poverty line (BPL).
The spokesman said that DHBVN planned to construct two new substations of 220 Kv level at Kankawkheri and Ferozepur Jhirka, besides 8 new 33 Kv substations.
A 66 Kv transmission line of a length of 28 kilometres from Hathin to Punhana is being erected to feed 66 Kv substation Punhana.