A group of doctors loyal to cardiologist Naresh Trehan, who was asked to leave by the management of Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre (EHIRC), today moved the Delhi High Court seeking the setting up of a panel to run the hospital.An application was placed before Justice Gita Mittal for granting hearing today, but it was refused and the matter will be heard on Thursday."Patients are suffering, and doctors have been assaulted," senior advocate Rajiv Sahni said while seeking an urgent hearing.P V Kapoor, counsel for Escorts, refuted the allegations terming it as factually wrong. He said Trehan wanted to be impleaded as a party.While declining to entertain the application today, the court said there were plenty of matters already listed for hearing, and it cannot be taken up today due to paucity of time.The court had, on May 19, permitted Trehan to treat patients and have unrestricted entry into EHIRC run by Fortis Healthcare.The court passed the direction on an application by Anil Nanda who had earlier opposed elder brother Rajan Nanda from selling majority stake in Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre (EHIRC) to Fortis in 2005. It had posted the matter for hearing on August 6.The court had directed that the hospital will be run normally and Trehan and his team of doctors will be allowed to carry out their routine functions in the hospital.