DQ, Percept Picture to co-produce 3 filmsBS Reporter / Hyderabad February 11, 2008Hyderabad-based animation, gaming and VFX company DQ Entertainment has entered into an MoU with Percept Picture Company (PPC), a content creation, aggregation and distribution company, for co-producing three animation films.The films - two of entertaining mythology genre and the third a complete Bollywood masala flick - with an estimated budget of around $25 million (around Rs 100 crore) are scheduled for release in for 2009-2010."Our Bollywood foray with Hanuman has triggered many announcements of animated features by Bollywood houses. The business proposal and co- production understanding between PPC and DQE is aimed at bringing high-quality story-telling and visuals and international success to India. We are excited about our plans with PPC, and committed to produce high quality animated films from India for the world," Tapaas Chakravarti, chairman and chief executive officer, DQ Entertainment, said in a press release today. DQ Entertainment forayed into Bollywood with Hanuman in 2005 followed by the release of PCC