DQ Entertainment (DQE), a Hyderabad-based animation, gaming and entertainment company, has entered into an exclusive content licensing deal with Walt Disney Television International India (WDTVI- India) for three animated series – Twisted Whiskers, Ratman and Sandra. The shows will be aired on Disney multiplex of channels in the coming months.
“The new shows will be aired for Disney audience in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka,” Tapaas Chakravarti, chairman and chief executive officer of DQE, stated in a press release on Tuesday.
Twisted Whiskers, a computer-generated imagery animated TV series, is co-produced by American Greeting and US-based Taffy Entertainment. While Ratman, a traditional 2D animation series is co-produced by DQE and Stranemani of Italy, Sandra is a co-production by DQE and Spanish firm Imira Entertainment.