Disclosing this, the chairman of the power major Rabindra Nath Sen said here that DVC presently required 30 million tonnes (MT) of coal annually. But only 12.45 MT was available through fuel supply agreement with the Coal India Limited (CIL).
Chairman said that the existing power generation capacity of DVC was of the order of 6,562 MW and it wanted to add 4,020 MW to generate power. The proposed plan of DVC for capacity addition was pending because of non-availability of coal. DVC has conducted a survey of old and abandoned coal mines to find out the viability of mining of them and talks in this regard were held with the CIL, he added.
Meanwhile, a source from DVC said availability of coal has now become a major issue. He pointed out that for generation of around 5,000 MW of power, the power major required nearly 70,000 tonnes of coal per day. In current financial year 2013-14, the requirement of coal per day would be increased following renovation of existing generating units.