The valuation of the deal is learnt to bein the range of Rs 40-50 crore. According to company executives thebrand clocked an annual sale of Rs 30 crore in the last fiscal.
The Kolkata based FMCG major todayentered into an agreement with Mumbai-based Royal Hygiene Care PvtLtd (RHCPL) to acquire 'She Comfort' brand of sanitary napkin.Which marks Emami's foray into Feminine Hygiene space.
Speaking to Business Satandard, Harsh VAgarwal, director at Emami said, "This deal would augur well withour overall startegy for the personal and health care segment."Agarwal refused to comment on the valuation of the deal.
She Comfort is relatively new brand inthe market while the two strong brands in the segment are Stayfreeand Whisper. Sanitary Napkin with a current market size of overRs 2,100 crores is a growing category with low penetration and isgrowing at 19%.
"The brand offers synergy with ourbusinesses of personal & healthcare products and will add a newdimension to our existing portfolio. The acquisition of 'SheComfort' is part of an aggressive strategy to strengthen ourpresence significantly in the personal & healthcare segment",he added.
The company recently forayed into maledeodorant segment with brand HE.