Emami has reported a 17% rise in net profit at Rs 10.5 crore in the quarter ended September 2007 (Q2FY08) when compared with the figure in the corresponding quarter in FY07.EBIDTA rose 26.9% to Rs 11 crore while turnover has increased by 16% to Rs 103.5 crore.For the half year ended September 2007, turnover has increased by 9% while net profit at Rs 20.5 crore and EBIDTA at Rs 22 crore, rose 16% and 23% respectively.Emami attributed the growth to brands like Navratna Oil, Boroplus Antiseptic Cream, Boroplus Prickly Heat Powder, Menthoplus Balm, Sonachandi Chyawanprash and other new products.EBIDTA margin for the quarter has improved by 90 bps because of better cost management in procurement of materials and advertisement and promotional costs.