It's not only the corporate giants that see Gujarat as the favourite destination but the state is also gaining preference of entrepreneurs for their new projects. A perception survey titled ‘Entrepreneurial India’ jointly released today by KPMG International and The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) shows Gujarat as most preferred destination for entrepreneurs nationwide.
The study, which covered 1000 entrepreneurs across 15 Indian states and evalauted the perceptions of these entrepreneurs, ranks Gujarat ass the most preferred state for new ventures by entrepreneurs across the country.
"The survey finds that 23 percent entrepreneurs preferred Gujarat as the state for their new venture, while Maharashtra and Haryana followed with 13 percent and 7.5 per cent respectively," KPMG said in a released.
The research further suggests that India has achieved a lot to instill confidence in its entrepreneurs but much still needs to be achieved in order to create an entrepreneur friendly environment. "With a slower economy, it is critical to create an even more enabling ecosystem to motivate aspirants to make the leap to a full time entrepreneur and to enable current entrepreneurs to stay in the game.
As this happens, we are likely to see entrepreneurs, the Government and academia, be critical catalysts that drive India's inclusive growth agenda", said Jehil Thakkar, Executive Director, KPMG in India.
Finance is another problem with Indian entrepreneurs. "Indian entrepreneurs say finance still not easily available but are positive about ongoing Infrastructure development," the survey states.