For Indian football fans, there will be still something to cheer at this year's football World Cup. No, they will not find their national team playing there. |
But the jerseys worn by the German captain Michael Ballack and his men and the T-shirts of the spectators will have the "Made in India" label in June, thanks to the resurgent Indian textile industry. |
The Mumbai-based Eskay K'n'It has got an initial order to supply 15 lakh pieces of T-shirts from T-Com, a German telecom major. The company is a premium partner of the German Football Association and the 2006 World Cup to he held in the country. |
As part of its marketing strategy, T-Com will hand out special custom-made T-shirt to every spectator entering the stands. The total demand is of 150 lakh T-shirts. Moreover, Eskay K'n'IT is also expecting an order to make jerseys for the German football team. |
"We had supplied about 400 T-shirts to Germany in July 2005 when qualifying rounds were on. We had made jerseys for players and referees," says Navin Kumar Tayal, chairman of Eskay K'n'It. Later on T-Com asked Eskay Kn'IT to supply 2.5 lakh pieces for a trial run of its marketing strategy. Incidentally the same strategy was used in the previous World Cup held in South Korea and Japan in 2002. |
What makes these T-shirts special? "A special treatment "" Weiking finish "" is used to make the t-shirts. This enables the outer side of the fabric to suck sweat from the inside, keeping the players fresh," says Tayal. |
The company also imported dyes (five times the cost of the normal one) from Germany. The 100 per cent polyester T-shirt, which has the traditional German black-red-yellow stripes, is made of three different kinds of fabrics. The T-shirt has already featured in T-Com's television ad for the World Cup. |
Apart from Eskay K'n'It, a few unnamed Tirupur-based companies are also supplying the T-shirts to T-Com in smaller numbers. Eskay K'n'It, a fabric-making company that diversified into garments last year, also supplies basketball jerseys to Steve and Barry's, used in the American NBA league. |
The T-shirts for T-Com cost about $ 4 per piece. But as Tayal says, "The cost is too low compared to the publicity T-Com will get through the T-shirts." It will also be an opportunity to showcase the Indian textile industry. |